

2021-09-12 00:00:00   点击:6601

(CCC.CC Video #1)
The wind sweeps past the grass,
And reveals cattle and sheep.
In central China, a group of meat companies are united by a single vision, working side by side to make a dream come true. Thus, the China Cowboy Club·Central China was born.
CCC·CC, following the spirit of loyalty, openness, professionalism and mutual benefit, is aimed to help its members in business. Zhengzhou, Henan has been designated as the permanent office. The Chairman is Mr Wang Feng. The Vice-Chairmen are Mr Yuan Wei, Mr Wang Fuqiang, and Mr Ding Ruli.  The Secretary General is Mr Wang Gang.  The Board Members are Ms Wu Huihua, Mr Ding Ran, Mr Guo Gang, Mr Liu Junqi, Mr Li Qingkui, Mr Nan Guosong, Mr Ma Weiguo, Mr Liang Xuecheng, Mr Ji Jianhua, Mr Zhang Jian, Mr Li Erzhu, Mr Chen Chen, Mr Ma Zhao, Mr Ding Chongfeng, Mr Li Laokui, Mr Zhao Qiang, Mr Wang Chongsheng, Mr Guo Jia, Ms Li Weizhen, Mr Wang Zhen, Ms Zhao Hongmei, Ms Zhu Lei, Mr Li Lei, Mr Guo Yulong, Mr Wu Zhou, Mr Jing Yiming, Mr Tian Ye, and Mr Han Xin.  CCC.CC has about 300 registered members. They specialize in beef, lamb, seafood and poultry products.  Their business includes international and domestic trade, meat processing, cold chain logistics, distribution, restaurant chains, and retail chains.  The total annual turnover is 80B+ RMB.
China Cowboy Club is a non-profit organization.  It is  dedicated to helping its members in purchasing, supply chain management, sales channel development, new product promotion, human resources, legal advice and finance management.  We hold  trainings and seminars regularly for members to learn and update their knowledge in the meat industry.
华中区俱乐部联合河南冻品、调味品、水产、农产品三大基地:河南中原四季水产物流港、联想控股 增益供应链 河南增益信基供应链有限公司、河南万邦国际农产品物流股份有限公司为战略合作伙伴。三大基地董事长均为华中区俱乐部终身荣誉顾问。为俱乐部的发展保驾护航。
CCC·CC has 3 strategic partners in providing cold storage and market places:1. Four Seasons Market, 
2. ZENY Xinji Market, and
3. Wan Bang Market.  
All Chairmen of the 3 markets are Honorary Chairmen of CCC·CC.  They regularly give financial support and industrial advice to CCC.CC.
Mr Alex Yeung is the CEO of the International Affairs Department. His job is helping the members to contact overseas suppliers. They work together in searching for the best quality and most cost-effective beef, lamb and sea food, to bring them all the way to Chinese tables. This the ultimate goal of CCC·CC.
We work hard to achieve our goal.
CCC follows the "8 Cowboy Spirits:"
1 & 2) Love the country, and be a responsible entrepreneur. 
3 & 4) Be able to adjust to new environments, and to work together.
5 & 6) Be righteous, and be united.
7 & 8) Be helpful to the industry, and to people around you.
CCC·CC follows the “20 Cowboy Golden Rules":
1.牛人是一种精神,我们无法保证加入俱乐部的每一位牛人都能名副其实。但,只要你想改变,并遵循牛人黄金法则,任何时候都不晚!1. Never too late to join us!
2.作为牛人,“四特一不”是牛人最基本的黄金法则。特别能承重,特别能奉献,特别能战斗,特别能折腾!因为,你不是一个人在战斗. 2. Help others and you will not be alone.
3.作为牛人,每天关注商务部和政局动态的时间,要大于关注朋友圈的时间。时刻关注行业风向标,远胜于关注朋友圈里的虚无飘渺!3. Always keep learning more, both about politics, and industry movement.
4.作为牛人,吃苦耐劳,默默拼搏是你必备的一种生活方式。诚信守诺,言出必行,则是衡量你能否成为牛人的标准之一. 4. Work more and talk less.  
5.作为牛人,每个黎明都是崭新的一天。当你不再耕耘的时候,你离屠宰场的距离只有一墙之隔! 5. Live every day like it's your last.
6.作为牛人,你不能孤军奋战!宽容大度,培养人才,是立刻马上要做的事。用人之长,天下无不用之人;用人之短,天下无可用之人! 6. Appreciating people is the key to success.
7.作为牛人,合法经营,及时纳税是一项基本原则。先款后货,不赊不欠则是牛人的另一项基本原则!7. Operate legally and keep a good credit record.
8.作为牛人,你可以高调做事,但一定低调做人。低调是最高贵的炫耀。成熟的谷子永远低着头,成功的牛人永远面带微笑!8. Do not show off.
9.作为牛人,你一定要懂得整合资源,并合理分配这些资源。你一定要学会资源共享。只有这样,你才能在牛人的路上屡战屡胜!9. Integrating resources brings success. 
10.作为牛人,不要活在别人的舌尖上。心大了,事就小了。切忌心生嫉妒怨恨,内心强大是牛人的本色之一!10. Have self confidence and forgive others.
11.作为牛人,只要你肯低头,不耻下问,取长补短,马上行动。一定会找到属于自己的牧场!11. Stay hungry, stay foolish.
12.作为牛人,你必须时刻具备居安思危的意识,风调雨顺时为自己留一处火种,这是你东山再起的希望。12. Don’t burn your bridges.
13.作为牛人,你必须清楚流动资金的重要性,这是行业之本。一定要与银行、信贷建立良好的客情关系。学会未雨绸缪,因为资本决定发言权 13. Maintain a healthy cash flow.
14.作为牛人,面对任何诱惑都要保持头脑冷静,诱惑和陷阱往往是一对双胞胎。牛人的世界,不是看谁笑的最早,而是看谁能笑到最后!14. Keeping away from temptation helps keep a lasting business.
15.作为牛人,一定要用战略眼光面对金钱与利益。能拿八分,不拿一毛。让别人有钱赚,我们每天才有做不完的生意. 15. Letting others make money will provide business opportunities.
16.作为牛人,你应该具备一定的创造精神,跟风的结果只会导致行业利润越来超薄。我们是牛人,但不是牛。不要被市场牵着鼻子走!16. Be innovative to lead the market.
17.作为牛人,你必须掌握一加一大于二的法则。尽你所能,找到资源互补的合作伙伴或合作平台,最终引领我们取得辉煌的,一定是团队的力量,这是所有成就大业的黄金法! 17. Teamwork brings more success.
18.作为牛人,你一定要感谢生命的恩赐,高峰的时候享受成就,低谷的时候享受生活。学会感恩,福报常在!18. Be grateful and be thankful.
19.作为牛人,选择朋友是一种智慧,永远与贤者为师,与智者为伴,与能者为友。这样的你,将无所不能!19. Select your friends wisely. 
20.作为牛人,你天生勇于进取!你天生独一无二!作为商人,你注定孤单彷徨!你注定孤立无援!但,从你加入牛人俱乐部这一刻开始,从此,你不是一个人在战斗!20. You are more than a business man, you are a Cowboy.
CCC·CC, Xinxiang Municipal Government, and Yuanyang County Government together are building a Beef & Lamb Processing Industrial Park.  It is located 200 meters east of the Beijing Zhuhai Expressway, at Yuanyang Exit. The Park is a key project of Yuanyang County.
CCC·CC, being a strategic partner of the 3 major wholesale markets, already has access to 2,000+ meat companies.  The Industrial Park will further help with the current meat companies, by providing opportunities in new product development and production. One of the Park's main goals is to streamline the operations between wholesalers, producers, and further processors, by providing a centralized production site.
“The one who accesses the Central Plains has access to all China,” was an old saying depicting Henan’s geographical advantage.  This is also true in the meat industry.
In Zhengzhou City, the 3 cold-storage facility combining with 2000+ wholesale shops over the 3 markets is the world’s largest frozen trading platform.  Asia’s largest condiment market is also located in Zhengzhou. In addition, WH Group (the worlds largest pork company, holding company of Smithsfield USA) has strategically located its logistic center in Zhengzhou.  All these companies and facilities will help the continued growth of frozen meat industry, and as a result, will provide the country with cost effective and safe food.
Zhengzhou has undergone rapid changes. CCC·CC, together with the 3 major whole markets, and financial partners will continue to serve its members. As meat consumption continues to grow, CCC.CC offer opportunities in branding, new channel development, and new product development.
CCC·CC is an active organizer of domestic and international meetings and seminars.  They provide a chance for communication between members, the government, product suppliers, equipment suppliers, and software providers.  The result is that our member are more competitive in the market place.
Unity is power, believe in the strength of teamwork!
CCC·CC is always welcoming everyone to join.
The road is long and the work is hard, but we should never stop striving forward.
CCC·CC members are a big family.
Well done Zhengzhou! 
Well done CCC·CC! 
Well done Cowboys all over the world!



