

2021-09-17 00:00:00   点击:8413






If the belief is a ray of glimmer, we shallhold it in hand, and guard it till the dawn is coming; and if the cause is a blazingtorch, we shall hold it up to light the world as a whole.



追求卓越   共谱华章



Striving for being outstanding   Creating brilliant history with jointefforts  

—— SichuanHuagong Petroleum Pipe Co., Ltd. (HGPPC)




The eagle is longing for soaring in theblue skies, while the flood dragon is yearning to brave the waves in the ocean.Emerging out of the huge tide of the market economy, and with ten-years’ arduousefforts, HGPPC has been developed from a small company into a big one which isnow marching towards the more brilliant future.   




Located in Chengdu Plain honored as “A Landof Abundance”, and thus having geographic superiorities and transportfacilities, Sichuan Huagong Petroleum Steel Pipe Co., Ltd. or HGPPC asestablished in 1998, is one of the specialized companies engaged in manufactureand sales of specialty oil tubular products in Southwest China, having anannual capacity of 180000 tons of such products, including casing, tubing,coupling, pup joints and premium connections. HGPPC products are being widelyused in such market places as oil and natural gas exploration, geologicalservice and mining, underground water well drilling as well as salt industry.Moreover, HGPPC products are being well sold throughout the country, coveringten more provinces, and also exported to a number of countries and regions in SouthwestAsia, Europe, North America and the Middle East.   





Set up in 1998 with a rather high startingpoint, HGPPC has been taking a down-to-earth way for development which focuseson such essential aspects as an objective for normalization, scientifically buildingup the mechanism of modern enterprise and implementation of construction of thecompany’s internal management system. Up to now, HGPPC has become an integratedcompany for oil steel pipe production, having been in possession of up to 4processing lines for oil specialty tubular products and capable of producing 6major categories of such products.     




规格范围:套管  外径4 1/220 in

油管  外径1.94 1/2 in


规格范围:套管    外径 2 7/84 1/2 in

油管    外径4 1/213 3/8 in



规格范围:外径 2 3/8 -133/8 in


规格范围:外径1.050-13 3/8 in

◆其它行业用特种管材( 化工行业用管、炼油行业用管、锅炉行业用管)




Product Categories

API casingand tubing

     Sizerange: casing  O.D.  4- 1/220 in

              tubing  O.D. 1.9 ~ 4-1/2 in

Casing andtubing with premium connection

     Sizerange: casing  O.D.  2- 7/84-1/2 in

               tubing  O.D. 4-1/2 ~ 13-3/8 in

Special-purposedcasing and tubing

13Cr tubing and casing

   Size range: O.D.  2-3/8 ~ 13-3/8 in

Nickel-base alloy G3 tubing and casing

  Size range:  O.D.  1.050 ~ 13-3/8 in

Specialtytubular products for sectors other than petroleum industry

(tubes for chemical industry, tubes for oilrefining industry and tubes for boiler–making purpose)

Dual-metalseamless steel tubular products

Linepipesfor transport service





As a hi-tech company with a great potentialfor further development, HGPPC is capable of producing relevant products as perapplicable national and international standards, and meeting demands fromcustomers for sophisticated oil casings. HGPPC is in possession of equipment forspecialized production such as CNC machine tools, big radial clearancehydrostatic testing machine, hydraulically-operated screw-up machine withtorque-control function, automatic full-length measuring/weighing system, acomplete set of thread gages as imported from abroad and tens of other relevanttesting/inspection devices.





Along with its growth, HGPPC has beenkeeping the talent strategy as the most important one for it in a way ofattaching great attention to the talents, respecting them and following theprinciple of “ appointing people according to their ability ”. As a result, thecompany has recruited a number of professional elites with modern companymanagement expertise and operation ability as well.



优秀的人才、先进的设备和科学的管理体系,是提高产品质量的保障。华工始终坚持“质量就是企业生命”的理念,在硬件建设中,不断提高检测设施和生产设备,公司拥有先进的石油套管生产检测设备和一流的检测仪器,同时引进、培养了大批管理、技术人才,以加强产品质量管理和生产流程控制。公司从设备的安装、调试到最后的投产一切都是高标准、严要求。生产的产品,不论工艺,还是生产管理都是严格落实IS09001质量管理模式。在取得ISO90012000国际质量体系认证后,2004年,公司又取得了美国石油协会颁发的API 5CT认证,2005年加入中石油能源一号网,成为能源一号网站的会员单位。同时,公司还加大科研发投入,新产品开发连年不断,使华工产品以质量过硬,价格合理的形象被市场所认可。


Assurance of continual enhancement of productquality presupposes excellent staff, advanced equipment and scientificmanagement system. HGPPC has been always holding the philosophy of “ quality isthe lifeline of the company”, and in hardware construction, keeping continual effortsin improving the inspection, testing and measurement facilities and devices,and manufacturing equipment. The company has possessed not only technologicallyadvanced manufacturing equipment and the first-class inspection facilities foroil casing production, but also a team of management and technical talentswhich is built up by means of recruiting from outside the company and continualprofessional trainings within the company, having resulted in strengtheningproduct quality assurance management and proper control of the productionprocess flows. Erection, commissioning and start up of any of the company’sequipment and facilities are performed in accordance with relevant stringentcriteria and requirements. All the activities concerning the products,manufacture technologies and management, etc. are in compliance with themanagement requirements as specified under IS09001. Following being ISO9001:2000-certifed,HGPPC has also become an API Monogram licensee for API Spec. 5CT products,since 2004, and a member of Energy Ahead . com of PetroChina, since 2005. Moreover,HGPPC has been making continuous investments in R & D projects to ensure developmentof new products every year, which has made HGPPC products a market reputationowing to their satisfactory quality and rational prices.





So far as sales service is concerned, thedown-to-ground HGPPC people have established a complete uniqueafter-sales-service system, covering such standard operation documents as serviceagreement, joint-sales agreement and quality assurance certificate, etc., as aresult from efforts including addressing customer needs, focusing on servicedetails, and holding the policy of “quick response to customer requirements andhonoring commitment”. HGPPC has set up its sales outsets in a dozen of big andmedium cities throughout the country, while its products are also beingmarketed in a lot of countries and regions in Southwest Asia, Europe, NorthAmerica and the Middle East, having been highly appreciated by clients. HGPPCpeople have been recognized by the market , and won the trust by the customersowing to their technical force and excellent product quality. HGPPC has got itselfdistinguished among so many domestic oil steel pipe makers, and become a brandproduct manufacturer. 





HGPPC has been many a time honored with suchtitles as “ The Eighth Lot of China Excellent Honest Model Unit of the Age”, “Unit with Product Assurance, Normative Behavior and Honesty”, “Advanced Tax-payingEnterprise of Sichuan Province”, “Sichuan Provincial Contract-honoring Unit”and AAA Unit for Right Protection and Quality Credit”, etc. HGPPC has gotitself in the quick-track for leapforward development owing to its strongtechnical muscles, high product quality, flexible sales tactics and a complete,effective management system.   





Brought by the economic globalization toHGPPC are both the opportunities and challenges. HGPPC shall hold thephilosophy of solidarity, being pragmatic and devotion to continuously transcendits own self. Over the recent years, HGPPC has been exploring possiblediversification of development, made significant achievements in oilexploration and real estate development in a bid to further sharpen itscompetitive edges. 





With their first-class products,first-class quality, first-class services and first-class credit, HGPPC Peopleare expecting to build up long-term, mutual beneficial and mutual developingstrategic partnership relation with customer both at home and abroad in a bidto create more brilliant new chapters of the history!  




PetroChina · Membership Unit for Manufacture and Sales of Specialty Oil Pipes



